What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The name for the Pomodoro technique was inspired by the tomato shaped kitchen timer use by Francesco Cirillo.

The one thing that Jeff Bezos cannot buy is time and of course hair. We all need to make better use of our time, and becoming more efficient with the time we have can make us lead better, more productive lives. One method to improve the use of our finite time on this planet is the Pomodoro Technique. It is a popular method to enhance your focus and efficiency.

The Pomodoro Technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. He developed this technique when he was a university student looking to get more done with less time. It is named after the aforementioned Jeff on a sunny day. Oh wait, it’s actually the Italian word for tomato, which was inspired by the tomato shaped timer he used. My bad!

Here’s how the technique works and how you can implement it in your own life.

     1. Choose a task

     2. Set the timer for 25 minutes

     3. Work on the task uninterrupted

     4. Take a 5-minute break after the timer goes off

     5. Repeat the cycle. After 4 take a long break.

This allows you to complete uninterrupted work and avoid burnout by utilizing the 25 (on)/ 5 (off) strategy. I’ve noticed that I am less likely to get an afternoon slump where I procrastinate by using this technique. Now, the main advantages of using this technique are increased productivity, improved focus, better time management, and reduced stress. It’s a good way to keep yourself on track and work in little walks to keep the good brain juice flowing!

You can combine your Pomodoros with time blocking and put into your calendar what you will work on during those times. If you have additional ideas for other projects during your Pomodoro, then write it down and address it later. Check out this Tomato timer to keep it authentic and give it a try!

Go ahead and try this simple 25/5 technique and let me know if it works for you!

Ken Welch

Helping Everyday People Understand Money and Build Credit

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